The Cigar Oasis Magna is recognized by both cigar retailers and cigar enthusiasts alike as the most reliable humidifier for cigar cabinets.
Being a completely sealed system, it can run in all size end-tables to very large cabinets.
- Remote control & sensor with large backlit LCD display
- Transparent base and water beads for easy monitor and refill
- Soft to the touch sensor buttons to adjust your humidity set-point
- Built-in Wi-Fi capability for optional use with the Cigar Oasis SmartHumidor ™ IOS & Android app
- Not suggested for use in climate controlled/wineador humidors
- Supports internal humidor volume of 10 to 55 cubic ft.
Dimensions: Length: 13” Width: 6.5” Height: 6”
Cigar Oasis Magna 3.0 Electronic Humidifier